"최신통신알고리즘과 설계" 강 의 자 료 (Graduate Course)

1. Wireless communication basics

2. Wireless and Mobile Networks

3. Wireless standards for IoT

4. Challenging the Wireless Tbps for 6G

5. 90-GHz Band Propagation Characteristics

6. Efficient Radio Access Technologies for 5G

7. Increasing the Spectral Efficiency of Future Wireless Networks

8. 5G Waveform Techniques

9. Battle of the Waveforms for 5G

10. Introduction to Ultra Reliable and Low Latency Communication in 5G

11. IoT Long Range Technologies Standards

12. 6G Internet of Things - A Comprehensive Survey

13. Low-Complexity Beam Allocation for Switched-Beam based MU-Massive MIMO

14. On the Potential of 5G mmWave Pencil Beam

15. 5G Ultra-Reliable and Low-Latency Systems Design

16. SK telecom__using LoRa for smart cities in Korea

17. Technology Overview_Sigfox_Technology

18. The Cellular IoT Landscape- SAGEMCOM - EUCNC2015

대학원 강의자료입니다.

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